Sunday, November 25, 2007


make a snowflake!

I am sure most of you have already seen this site at some point or another
but i thought i would share it again because I just learned something new
once you create your snowflake you can save it as an EPS file
which means you can drag it right into illustrator
talk about an easy way to make snowflakes for all those holiday cards!

holler at it!

p.s. don't forget HELVETICA ON WEDNESDAY!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

MTg./ 14.11.07


Sorry guys, we had to postpone it til the first week we get back 28th [2 weeks from today]


When: December 5th, 2007
Where: Address will be available soon.

1- Created/handmade gifts are created at your own discretion for price/ but there is a limit if you do buy a gift (cop OUT!) it's $10
2- If you don't bring any gets NONE!
3- re-gifting is great...what they don't know won't hurt them!
4- each box will get a number and then each person that brought a gift will draw a number out of a hat.
5- COMPLETELY wrap your present please.


Lastly, the AIGA room is soooooo BORING that we want to paint the walls and decorate with awesome shit!  So if you have a jumbo sharpie and feel like designing something [TASTEFUL] go for it! Think we plan on having a specific date for that.  Jessica came up with a GREAT idea: to do a BIG word Associations on the wall along with pictures.

1- t-shirt contest for us [AIGA]
2- photoshop wars/ illustrator wars
3- maybe a day trip to Richmond for First Fridays
4- valentines day card swaps [yea, like the "old school days" with decorating our container and then having people put their valentine in your container]
5- Maybe an end of the Year party!

Sad News

Unfortunately, due to the DVD release date being pushed back without our knowledge we will not be able to hold the Helvetica: A Documentary screening this evening. I know everyone was looking forward to this, but there is little we can do at this point, unless you're interested in staring at a blank wall for 80 minutes.

We will however be having a sweet AIGA meeting at 6:30 in which we will further discuss and plan the holiday swap party! Please come, especially if you have some sweet ideas or just want to be more awesome!

Helvetica event will now be on November 28th, same time same place!

I hope everyone has an awesome break and a sweet thanksgiving!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Are you a Helvetica master?


Take this quiz and post your results!
It's pretty hard but it makes you learn pretty quickly.

Don't forget to come watch Helvetica with us on Wednesday night at 7!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

MTg. 11.07.07


Hey guys, so here are the final shirts that will be made:

01-  H is for Helvetica
02- What the Helvetica
03- All the cool kids are doing it

* remember, if you want a shirt....step 1: bring your own (unless you want to pay for a shirt that we have $5)
    step 2: have $2 on you for every pull that you do on each shirt
    step 3: E N J O Y .

For the month of December:

We plan on having a gift exchange/holiday party the day before reading day! BUT (yes, there is always a but in the way...LOL) but i digress...anyway, we have some minor rules that one should follow should you choose this exchange mission.

1- Created/handmade gifts are created at your own discretion for price/ but there is a limit if you do buy a gift (cop OUT!) its $10
2- if you don't bring any gets NONE!
3- re-gifting is great...what they don't know won't hurt them!
4- each box will get a number and then each person that brought a gift will draw a number out of a hat.
5- COMPLETELY wrap your present please.

***** Further details will be coming SOON!

Lastly, the AIGA room is sooooo BORING that we want to paint the walls and decorate with awesome!  So if you have a jumbo sharpie and feel like designing something (TASTEFUL) go for it!  Think we plan on having a specific date for we'll have further details with this memo. 

Sunday, November 4, 2007



Here is the survery for the Helvetica Shirts/Buttons.
For the shirts please pick your top three favorites.
For the buttons you only pick one.
The numbers in the survey correspond to the images below.
It's probably easiest if you open the survey in a new window
and reference the images here.
Please take it, it will only take like 2 minutes max!

Helvetica Survey

yay helvetica!

Thursday, November 1, 2007



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