Wednesday, September 19, 2007

//FIRST Mtg Reminders//

Hey A.I.G.A members-

Just a few reminders for next week//
01- We are looking for one position, the web master.  So holla at Jenn or Jessica if you are interested. Their emails are: Jenn Burch/ & Jessica Harllee/

02- FILMfest// a.)We plan on selling can sodas  and t-shirts, so if you are WILLING and able to help sell those for 30 minute increments, we would highly appreciate you letting us know what time you would be able to volunteer some of your time.
b.) Just a reminder, we are meeting on the 25th and the 26th at 6:30pm, for screen printing the shirts we'll be selling.  So if you can't make it on Tuesday...just stop by and help on on Wed. night.
c.) As for the selling of shirts, the conditions are: Right now Ben has 13 teams signed up for the film fest, if we can manage to get 8 more teams to sign up, that totals 21 teams we get to keep ALL THE MONEY! However, if we can not get the total sign up to 21 teams=63 people, then Ben is going to take $3 (per sold shirt) for using his artwork. Now guys this seems like a pretty sweet deal so how bout' it?  Let's start getting other people to sign up!  We can totally do this, just ask your friends at Radford, friends that are into film, and (of course) your crazy friends that are down for anything...cause we ALL have at least know one of them!

03- AIGA shirts & LOGO// We have plans to have a design for our own t-shirts, so start designing an A.I.G.A logo.  Have fun with it!

04-EVENTs// Once a month we're going to try to have one event per month.  For example, this month we are helping Ben out with the Film fest, and October the pumpkin carving contest.  With the pumpkin carving contest, we want some ads/ posters and maybe start those creative juices flowing for ideas.  For November, we need ideas (even if they are crazy as hell, just let us know...we're up for anything, as long as it's legal!). For December, we want to have a get together and perhaps do "white elephant."

05- Membership// WE are thinking for A.I.G.A, that if you help out with the selling of shirts and drinks (or even making the shirts) that we can somehow reduce the price of the membership cost for you.  Think about that...and let us know what your thoughts are on that.


Im not so sure about the pumpkin carving contest. i just cant see people wanting to pay to do something that they can do at home for less. Also Deets has a contest every year thats free on campus and they only pull in a hundred or so, and thats from the whole university. I am just concerned that we are going to lose money. A couple of us were talking about maybe selling handmade books. Nothing extreme, just simple little books like the ones that we buy from mish. They are relatively easy to put together and cheap too. And as long as we sell them for less than mish does we might be able make a profit. Now I dont know how to make this into an event but i think if we all bring an idea for a fundraiser to the table we can come up with something really awesome.

here's a thought, that may or may not work...
what if we did a haunted house? in henderson?
we could pull it off well, i think it would cost more to create, but could be 1. more fun 2. more money, we could make 10$ easy to walk through and maybe even sell shirts for $5 on top of that? just a thought, i guess the biggest problem with this is getting A&AH to let us use the building... thoughts???

ALSO don't forget to make a post saying when you can help with the film fest tshirt sales!!!

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