Saturday, December 8, 2007

PICTURE POST - Helvetica

if you want any of these shoot me an email!

Sunday, November 25, 2007


make a snowflake!

I am sure most of you have already seen this site at some point or another
but i thought i would share it again because I just learned something new
once you create your snowflake you can save it as an EPS file
which means you can drag it right into illustrator
talk about an easy way to make snowflakes for all those holiday cards!

holler at it!

p.s. don't forget HELVETICA ON WEDNESDAY!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

MTg./ 14.11.07


Sorry guys, we had to postpone it til the first week we get back 28th [2 weeks from today]


When: December 5th, 2007
Where: Address will be available soon.

1- Created/handmade gifts are created at your own discretion for price/ but there is a limit if you do buy a gift (cop OUT!) it's $10
2- If you don't bring any gets NONE!
3- re-gifting is great...what they don't know won't hurt them!
4- each box will get a number and then each person that brought a gift will draw a number out of a hat.
5- COMPLETELY wrap your present please.


Lastly, the AIGA room is soooooo BORING that we want to paint the walls and decorate with awesome shit!  So if you have a jumbo sharpie and feel like designing something [TASTEFUL] go for it! Think we plan on having a specific date for that.  Jessica came up with a GREAT idea: to do a BIG word Associations on the wall along with pictures.

1- t-shirt contest for us [AIGA]
2- photoshop wars/ illustrator wars
3- maybe a day trip to Richmond for First Fridays
4- valentines day card swaps [yea, like the "old school days" with decorating our container and then having people put their valentine in your container]
5- Maybe an end of the Year party!

Sad News

Unfortunately, due to the DVD release date being pushed back without our knowledge we will not be able to hold the Helvetica: A Documentary screening this evening. I know everyone was looking forward to this, but there is little we can do at this point, unless you're interested in staring at a blank wall for 80 minutes.

We will however be having a sweet AIGA meeting at 6:30 in which we will further discuss and plan the holiday swap party! Please come, especially if you have some sweet ideas or just want to be more awesome!

Helvetica event will now be on November 28th, same time same place!

I hope everyone has an awesome break and a sweet thanksgiving!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Are you a Helvetica master?


Take this quiz and post your results!
It's pretty hard but it makes you learn pretty quickly.

Don't forget to come watch Helvetica with us on Wednesday night at 7!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

MTg. 11.07.07


Hey guys, so here are the final shirts that will be made:

01-  H is for Helvetica
02- What the Helvetica
03- All the cool kids are doing it

* remember, if you want a shirt....step 1: bring your own (unless you want to pay for a shirt that we have $5)
    step 2: have $2 on you for every pull that you do on each shirt
    step 3: E N J O Y .

For the month of December:

We plan on having a gift exchange/holiday party the day before reading day! BUT (yes, there is always a but in the way...LOL) but i digress...anyway, we have some minor rules that one should follow should you choose this exchange mission.

1- Created/handmade gifts are created at your own discretion for price/ but there is a limit if you do buy a gift (cop OUT!) its $10
2- if you don't bring any gets NONE!
3- re-gifting is great...what they don't know won't hurt them!
4- each box will get a number and then each person that brought a gift will draw a number out of a hat.
5- COMPLETELY wrap your present please.

***** Further details will be coming SOON!

Lastly, the AIGA room is sooooo BORING that we want to paint the walls and decorate with awesome!  So if you have a jumbo sharpie and feel like designing something (TASTEFUL) go for it!  Think we plan on having a specific date for we'll have further details with this memo. 

Sunday, November 4, 2007



Here is the survery for the Helvetica Shirts/Buttons.
For the shirts please pick your top three favorites.
For the buttons you only pick one.
The numbers in the survey correspond to the images below.
It's probably easiest if you open the survey in a new window
and reference the images here.
Please take it, it will only take like 2 minutes max!

Helvetica Survey

yay helvetica!

Thursday, November 1, 2007



Wednesday, October 31, 2007

More Helvetica t-shirt/button ideas

Get inspired!
If you don't want to post them, mail me screenshots (jharllee at
I'm setting up a poll on Friday so we can vote on which ones are being used.

H is for Halloween & Helvetica

This is just a reminder, that due to a festive holiday there will be no AIGA meeting this week, but keep working on those Helvetica ideas for screen printing and/or buttons! Remember they need to be emailed to Jessica and I by FRIDAY

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

HOLLA, it's HELVETICA time...oh and some other things too!

Hey guys,

Yesterday we had a meeting on some "breather" events where we can just chill and relax (sorta!). 

First thing coming up for November is the HELVETICA film...
When: 11.14.07 <--take note of the "awesomeness"
Time: 6:30pm for screen printing shirts/ 7pm for the film
Extras: We want to have pre-made buttons and have you make your own shirt (by screen printing, that will be supplied)BUT we do recommend that you bring your own shirt or pay a very low fee of $2 for the use of the screen and the ink.  Also, we want to have various designs of the posters advertising for the if you have a SWEET idea, go for it!
***Lastly, if you want to create a design for the T-shirt/ buttons....send us a screen shot of the design and then we'll all vote (by survey) on the 31st of October. Then the designs that are chosen, we'll need the files on the 1st of November.

Second, Holiday swap!  Guys this is a pretty good way of getting to know/hang out with your, we want to have a holiday party and swap gifts, the ONLY catch is: IF YOU DON'T BRING SOMETHING FOR SWAPPING, YOU GETS NONE!
I think we want to either make and be creative on the gifts or either have a dollar limit on how much you can spend on a gift.

Third, start thinking about a t-shirt design for the VT chapter of creative I know for a fact most of us are great in whatever we USE it!  It's a contest to show off your "mad Skillz" and most likely, we are going to chose 3 designs for our t-shirts. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Flickr Find!

You guys all know I am huge into flickr, but check out what I found when I logged in today.
Mississippi State University's Flickr (yes they are my flickr friend) has posted their t-shirt designs for their student group!

MSU Graphic Design

Maybe this will inspire you to create a shirt design!
I think we can show them up, what do you guys think?

come to wednesday meeting!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007


As most of you know, we have decided on a new project and have leapt into action on it.

It is very important that those wishing to help or who have offered to help come to wednesday's meeting.

same time same place yo.

come hang.


i saw a hardcore rooster today, i'll sick him on you if you don't

oh and this is party too. - you know you wanna.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mtg recap.


Ok, so somethings we discussed were Calendar themes.  Some of which are listed but I think we are going with the one that has the asterisk mark beside it.  

01-Blacksburg Nitelife *
02-College humor (basically, only things a Blacksburg student would get)
03-weird Blacksburg
04-AIGA gone (buck) wild!
05-holiday inspired

The ONLY thing is now we are starting to get more into the details and we will need you all to help with the process.  With the Blacksburg Nite Life, we have a list of 12+ restaurant/bars and we will take picts (of course not just a straight shot of the place..but artistically done) and hopefully we can get their sponsorship in the later details of the process of the calendar.  If you would like to help out, leave a comment with your name and email. Or if you have any comments on anything that could help us...give us a holla.

Lastly, we want to have a WHOLE group of us go to get our pictures taken for the VT yearbook the following info. is below:

when/ 22 October 2007
time/ 5 P.M.
where/ in the Old Dominion Ball Room (I prefer to call it the ODB Room...holla!)

*if you CAN make it COME and join us for the greatest picture this campus will ever see!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Four Minute Film Fest T-Shirt Photos!

Friday, October 5, 2007

MTG reCap.

Hey all,

Here's just a short briefing on what went on at the AIGA meeting if you missed it:

01- We are contemplating designing a calendar to earn more money.  Some things we need you to do is, come up with a theme  and logistics, or just let us know what you think of the whole idea.  This can't work unless we know what you think or want to do.

02- For the next meeting we want to have some more logo ideas for our AIGA group. 

03- a) After we decided on which logo we'll go with, we will then start the screen printing workshop on putting that specific design on t-shirts, bags and such. 
       b) That screen printing workshop w/TJ, we would want to happen as our November event.  The first week we would learn how to actually make the screens.  That following week, we would use the materials to print on shirts/hoodies/ bags and whatever else you want to be printed on.

04- AIGA wants self promotion posters, so start' em up.  OF course we have to have consistent information on them but other than that... GO for it! We would love to see what you can do.

05-  Lastly, NO Mtg on Halloween (that's just crazy talk if we did!)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Useful Links

I was going through my bookmarks and found these. They are pretty helpful so I thought I'd share.

The Learn List


The Design Encyclopedia

Not Cot
This one really isnt a learning tool so much as it has cool crazy stuff and is fun to read and look at!


p.s. if you are interested in working on a logo for the AIGA student group at virginia tech and want to see AIGA's guidelines on logo useage email me and i'll send you the PDF!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

How to set up posting to the AIGA blog

Setting up a Google Account:
1. Go to
2. If you have a Google account (G-mail, whatever), sign in and you can use that.
3. If you don't have a Google account, create one! It just requires you to provide an email address, password, and a name that you sign in with/the URL for your blog.
4. You don't have to go through and create a blog for yourself and do all of the template and stuff (unless you want to). Just make sure that you have a log in.
5. Email me ( with the e-mail address that you use to log in to your blog. I will then edit your posting rights on the AIGA blog.

To post to the AIGA blog:
1. Log in at Your username is your email address.
2. After you log in you are brought to the Dashboard. This is the main hub where you can edit or post to blogs of which you are a part.
3. Choose AIGA VT and click on "New Post"
4. Choose an appropriate, related title for your post, then type out the post in the large text field. Images are allowed to be posted, as well as basic HTML.
5. To add a label to the post, click on the "show all" link at the bottom of the screen. Click on all of the labels that apply to your post and they will appear in the labels text field. You must label your post! If none of the labels apply, type a new one out in the text field.
6. Click "publish post" to post to the blog. Click "save now" to save the post and finish it later but not publish it.

Appropriate things to post about:
1. Screenshots of class assignments to be critiqued
2. Information regarding anything going on in Blacksburg, the Art Department, any design competitions, or other relative events.
3. Useful links that you found, any local printers that are good, or any resources that would help us as designers.
4. Anything related to AIGA Richmond or our student group.

This blog can become anything we want or need it to be, so start posting and commenting!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Flux Competition!

Friday, October 5, 2007 Deadline

AIGA Blue Ridge
Mail Entries to:
Shepherd University
Kristin Kaineg--Flux Competition
PO Box 3210
Shepherdstown WV 25443

AIGA BlueRidge and Shepherd University have teamed up to produce Flux, a student design competition. Encourage all your students’ and classes to participate in this event by entering this fall. Last year, the competition was successful with entries from MICA, Corcoran College of Art + Design, Shepherd University, James Madison University, Kutztown University and many more.

Visit the web site for more information at

Work must be received by Friday, October 5 to be eligible

Graduate and undergraduate school projects, freelance and pro bono work created between August 2006–October 2007

Posters, Packaging/Environmental Design, Publications, Identity, Web sites/Interactive and Motion, (New Category!!) Miscellaneous

Entry Fee:
$5 per entry for AIGA members and $10 for non-members, 4 or more pieces the fee is $20 for AIGA members and $25 for non-members

Mail Entries to:
Shepherd University
Kristin Kaineg--Flux Competition
PO Box 3210
Shepherdstown, WV 25443

Friday, October 12, the names and entries selected will be posted on the web site.

Exhibition: October 20–27 at the Blue Elephant Art Center in Frederick, Maryland.

Friday, October 26 from 6:30–9:30
Best in Category and Honorable Mention will be awarded and recognized

Contact: Kristin Kaineg at or 304.876.5678

Thank you in advance for your encouragement and participation.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Roanoke Current Article on Film Fest!


ps. yay jessica for getting us mentioned!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Film Fantastic!

Firstly let me just thank everyone who helped out with screen printing!
They look absolutely amazing!
Special thanks to TJ for ordering the shirts and getting the screens burnt!

Here is the Rundown for our role in the Film Fest.
We have 100 shirts printed for sale.
We will be getting a list from Ben informing us who has registered.
Registered participants can get ONE shirt for $7
each additional shirt will be $10 this is also the price for the public

We need someone to please make a poster for the table
The poster needs to say the following

  1. Who we are! Virginia Tech Chapter of AIGA

  2. What we're selling! T-Shirts!!!

  3. Shirt Prices - $10, 1 Shirt for $7 if you are registered for the film fest


I (Jenn) am more than willing to print the poster if someone can design it.
I have paper to print 13 x 19 and will print it
but I need it BEFORE 9PM FRIDAY

We need to transport the shirts! From VCD Space to Hancock
Around 4:45 or so, we SHOULD be able to pull up in that little parking lot by Hancock
Someone will have to stay in the car while two or more run the shirts in.
If we can get a driver and a loader and then have a 1 or 2 at Hancock to unload
we should be able to do this in less than 15 minutes no problem

Right now we have people 2 people signed up to sit 5:30-6.
It might be better if we had atleast one more person there
as this will probably be when most people show up.
We need 2-4 people to set up at sit from 4:50 to 5:30
We also need 2-4 people after 6 til about 6:30
or until the crowd thins and everyones watching films
don't worry! we know everyone wants to watch all the films!
We need a clean up crew! Since we arent selling food
it should be pretty much boxing up the extra shirts we aren't gonna have!
However, we still need people to be there in case there is stuff to throw out etc
Please Sign Up Here If You Can Help!

And Now To The Good Part!
Ben said there are 22 teams signed up!!!

good job guys! you all did great at getting more teams signed up
only 8 of them have paid, but hopefully that will be sorted out at the last minute

We need ideas for October & November Events
Since Blacksburg Partnership & Deets will be holding Pumpkin Carving Contests
we might not want to do that. so who has ideas!
we need to do something fun! possibly another fundraiser!
something that can promote design
something that can help us unite as a group

Lastly, we still need AIGA VT logos!!
This is what I came up with

Feel free to play with the idea of the squares or come up with your own!
AIGA uses Garamond Italic, but you dont have to if you dont want to
oh and comment on what you think of my idea please!
plus post your own logo ideas!

I think/hope that is it for now! See you at the Film Fest!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Screenprinting t-shirts!

Tuesday and Wednesday night:

6:30-10 pm
Collegiate Square VCD Space

T.J. is kind enough to help us screenprint shirts for the Four Minute Film Fest.
Wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty!

We're going to do the bulk of the printing Tuesday night and if things go quickly we may end up finishing the printing that night. However, we have a meeting on Wednesday at 6:30 so you should be there anyway :]

we still need people to help sell these shirts on Saturday.
Sign up here!

continue to recruit people to participate in the film fest!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

//FIRST Mtg Reminders//

Hey A.I.G.A members-

Just a few reminders for next week//
01- We are looking for one position, the web master.  So holla at Jenn or Jessica if you are interested. Their emails are: Jenn Burch/ & Jessica Harllee/

02- FILMfest// a.)We plan on selling can sodas  and t-shirts, so if you are WILLING and able to help sell those for 30 minute increments, we would highly appreciate you letting us know what time you would be able to volunteer some of your time.
b.) Just a reminder, we are meeting on the 25th and the 26th at 6:30pm, for screen printing the shirts we'll be selling.  So if you can't make it on Tuesday...just stop by and help on on Wed. night.
c.) As for the selling of shirts, the conditions are: Right now Ben has 13 teams signed up for the film fest, if we can manage to get 8 more teams to sign up, that totals 21 teams we get to keep ALL THE MONEY! However, if we can not get the total sign up to 21 teams=63 people, then Ben is going to take $3 (per sold shirt) for using his artwork. Now guys this seems like a pretty sweet deal so how bout' it?  Let's start getting other people to sign up!  We can totally do this, just ask your friends at Radford, friends that are into film, and (of course) your crazy friends that are down for anything...cause we ALL have at least know one of them!

03- AIGA shirts & LOGO// We have plans to have a design for our own t-shirts, so start designing an A.I.G.A logo.  Have fun with it!

04-EVENTs// Once a month we're going to try to have one event per month.  For example, this month we are helping Ben out with the Film fest, and October the pumpkin carving contest.  With the pumpkin carving contest, we want some ads/ posters and maybe start those creative juices flowing for ideas.  For November, we need ideas (even if they are crazy as hell, just let us know...we're up for anything, as long as it's legal!). For December, we want to have a get together and perhaps do "white elephant."

05- Membership// WE are thinking for A.I.G.A, that if you help out with the selling of shirts and drinks (or even making the shirts) that we can somehow reduce the price of the membership cost for you.  Think about that...and let us know what your thoughts are on that.

Four Minute Film Fest T-Shirt Sales Help

We need people to sit in half-hourish shifts from 5:30-7 the evening of the Four Minute Film Festival (Saturday, September 29th). There should probably be 3 people at the table at all times.

If you can help out, comment here with:
1. your name
2. when you can sit

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Free Pizza & AIGA in Richmond

In case some of you didn't know AIGA Richmond is the closest chapter to us here at Virginia Tech. This is one of their events, it happens to involve FREE FOOD which we all know and love! If you're going towards Richmond Thursday then you should definitely check it out!

"Join your fearless leaders from the VCU student group and Richmond chapter boards, as well as local professionals, for the annual AIGA Meet & Greet pizza party. This event is open to everyone, member or not, so stop by room 317 in the Pollak building on Thursday, September 20th at 5:30pm to eat some pizza, make new friends, and learn more about the great programming that will be offered by the AIGA Richmond and AIGA VCU student group in the coming year."

Thursday, September 20, 2007 5:30 p.m.
VCU Pollak Bldg Room 317
325 N. Harrison St.
Richmond, VA 23219

Meeting Wednesday

We will be having a meeting in the VCD space Collegiate Square above the Daily Grind on Wednesday September 19th at 4:30pm.
We will be discussing the following:

  • Membership

  • This Awesome Blog

  • Four Minute Film Fest

  • Pumpkin Carving Contest

See you there!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Please take this survey!

Anyone interested in being in AIGA should fill out this survey and voice their opinion on a future meeting time and location.

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