How to set up posting to the AIGA blog
Setting up a Google Account:
1. Go to
2. If you have a Google account (G-mail, whatever), sign in and you can use that.
3. If you don't have a Google account, create one! It just requires you to provide an email address, password, and a name that you sign in with/the URL for your blog.
4. You don't have to go through and create a blog for yourself and do all of the template and stuff (unless you want to). Just make sure that you have a log in.
5. Email me ( with the e-mail address that you use to log in to your blog. I will then edit your posting rights on the AIGA blog.
To post to the AIGA blog:
1. Log in at Your username is your email address.
2. After you log in you are brought to the Dashboard. This is the main hub where you can edit or post to blogs of which you are a part.
3. Choose AIGA VT and click on "New Post"
4. Choose an appropriate, related title for your post, then type out the post in the large text field. Images are allowed to be posted, as well as basic HTML.
5. To add a label to the post, click on the "show all" link at the bottom of the screen. Click on all of the labels that apply to your post and they will appear in the labels text field. You must label your post! If none of the labels apply, type a new one out in the text field.
6. Click "publish post" to post to the blog. Click "save now" to save the post and finish it later but not publish it.
Appropriate things to post about:
1. Screenshots of class assignments to be critiqued
2. Information regarding anything going on in Blacksburg, the Art Department, any design competitions, or other relative events.
3. Useful links that you found, any local printers that are good, or any resources that would help us as designers.
4. Anything related to AIGA Richmond or our student group.
This blog can become anything we want or need it to be, so start posting and commenting!
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